Richard III Dig in Leicester - latest

Photo courtesy of University of LeicesterIt's looking as though results of the DNA testing to determine whether the remains discovered in Leicester are those of Richard III will be released in January 2013.
Source: University of Leicester
It also appears to be a very likely that should they be proved to be the remains of Richard III, a reburial will take place in Leicester Cathedral as the church nearest to his previous burial ground, disappointing those who had worked so hard on a petition to have the reburial in York.
Reader Comments (2)
There has been much talk about where the remains of Richard 111 should be buried but I feel its more important that its how he will buried not where. If the remains are that of Richard then he should be aforeded a tomb equally as splended as Henry Tudors in Westminster Abbey after all he was a King of great notoriety and should be treated with some degree of respect. The authorities in Leicester are excited about the possibility for Tourism, but I say if I were a tourist I would expect to see at the very least a Tomb with an effigy and not just slab on the ground with his name engraved upon it. I do hope there will not be an opportunity missed here but I do feel the worst.
So you are not keen on the idea of a slab with Richard 3's name on it. Have you ever been into the Garter Chapel at Windsor Castle to look for Henry 8 memorial just a brass plaque I'm afraid, neither of his two daughters who ruled after him spent the money that had been set aside for a tomb.