February Press Conference about Richard III Dig in Leicester

The latest official news about the dig in Leicester ...
The Search for King Richard III: Announcement of media conference
Issued by University of Leicester Press Office on 9 January 2012
The University of Leicester has today announced that it plans to reveal the results of a series of scientific investigations into human remains – which are suspected of being that of King Richard III - in the first week of February.
The University of Leicester is leading the search for King Richard III, in association with Leicester City Council and the Richard III Society. At a press conference in September, the University announced that it had found human remains with evidence of what was believed to be scoliosis and battle trauma. The University said that these remains would need to be subject to rigorous scientific analysis in order to confirm their identity.
You can access the September Press Conference and other media materials here:
Since that discovery, University experts have subjected the remains to a series of tests to determine the identity. You can read an overview of the scientific tests here:
The University is expecting results of the series of tests in the next few weeks during which period the results will be analysed. The University aims to announce the conclusions of its investigations at a press conference provisionally scheduled for the first week of February.
Details of the date/time/venue for the conference and other logistical arrangements will be announced in due course.
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